Image of Teens Matter Most: A Powerful, Straightforward Guide for Teens. Your life has purpose, and you are important!

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Teens Matter Most: A Powerful, Straightforward Guide for Teens. Your life has purpose, and you are important!

Stephanie Lahart is 40 years old now, but when she was a teenager, she experienced bullying, battled with low self-esteem, had a hard time fitting in with others, and had to deal with the dreaded “peer pressure.” In Teens Matter Most, the author talks about issues that affect teens’ everyday lives such as self-esteem issues, bullying, sex and everything that comes with it, how every choice that they make has consequences and benefits, school, alcohol and drugs, peer pressure, not getting along with their parents, and SO much more! Stephanie Lahart does not sugar-coat her messages. She understands the importance of educating our teens on every aspect of their lives to help them make the right decisions now to prepare them for their future. The author writes with a sense of urgency. Her sole purpose was to write about meaningful, engaging, and insightful topics that would help shape teen lives on a greater level. This book is a must-read for all teens, but especially at-risk teens. The author’s writing style is genuine, honest, and relatable. Teens will be intrigued as Stephanie Lahart keeps it “100.” Don’t let the page count fool you. This is a short guide, but it was carefully written to ensure that teens gain the insight that they need to grow into responsible, well-rounded adults. This book is highly recommended for teens in grades 9-12.


19891b394 LAHSekolah Cikal Cilandak (teacher resources)Available

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394 LAH
Publisher Stephanie Lahart : USA.,
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