Image of Bullying: Brilliant ideas for keeping your child safe and happy

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Bullying: Brilliant ideas for keeping your child safe and happy

Bullying makes children lonely, unhappy and frightened. Recent research indicates that 1 in 4 primary school children and 1 in 10 secondary school children are bullied at least once every four months. Being armed with the right information about bullying, recognising the symptoms, and knowing effective ways of breaking the cycle of abuse are crucial factors in ensuring children deal with their tormentors in a clam. positive and proactive way. In Bullying you'll discover:
- Why people bully, and how you can use their motivation to your advantage;
- How looking and sounding confident can help deter bullies;
- The best ways to cope with physical bullying;
- Ways to encourage unconfident and unhappy children to develop friendships;
- Why keeping calm in the face taunt will take the wind out of a bully's sails.

Using these 52 brilliant ideas will help your child survive being bullied and become a stronger and more confident person as a result.

Go straight to some brilliant ideas...If your child is being bullied by text or email turn to page 75 for some ideas in combatting the abuse. Children don't always want to 'tell' on bullies so why not make it anonymous with the help of the 'bullying box' on page 127? Pets can often help to comfort children, who may even confide in furry friends whey they won't talk to anyone else. Find out more on page 215.


SRP11587L371.58 DOS bSekolah Cikal SerpongAvailable

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371.58 DOS b
Publisher Infinite Ideas Limited : United Kingdom.,
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